Did you know Apple updated its Apple Maps with information regarding Covid-19 measures at Airports to make traveling easier
Since now most of the counties have started their flight system once again and travelling has begun officially , in order to assist the travellers , Apple has decided to add some more information in its very own Apple Map.
Under the light of current Covid-19 situation, and all the precautions being taken globally as well as the requirements that one need to fulfil in order to travel including all the necessary tests that are required to be taken on Airports, Apple is planning to merge all this information under one umbrella .
All Apple devices including iPhone, IPad and even Mac will display information on the Apple Map, related to Covid-19 health measures for airports. This could either be through a link to the very own advisory page of that respective airport or it could be directly from the app’s location card itself.
The information present on the app can not be questioned for its validity because for making the information available regarding the necessary health measures taken by the Airports , the Airport Council International itself started a partnership with Apple and due to this partnership Apple managed to add the Covid-19 safety guidelines for up to 300 airports worldwide.
The information that is made available on the maps includes the requirements around Covid-19 testing, using face masks to cover mouth and nose, Covid-19 screening procedure as well as important quarantine measures and as the vaccination process is also starting and has already started in some airports as well, Apple will make sure that all the information regarding the Covid Vaccine is also accessible. By exposing this information to the travellers , Apple is aiming to make traveling more easier for everyone during this ongoing pandemic situation.
Earlier this month, Apple had already updated the information in the Apple maps regarding the vaccination centres present in the United States and will keep updating the list as the number of Covid-19 vaccination centre increases, just like at the beginning of the global pandemic, Apple updated its maps with the Corona Virus testing present. With the help of Apple’s assistant “siri” all the nearby vaccination centres, Corona virus testing centres will be present on your device’s screen.
The above mentioned assisting features were not just taken by Apple only instead the other Tech Giant Google also kept updating its user on Google Maps with similar information regarding the on going pandemic situation and the nearby locations to deal with the Novel Corona Virus, however the addition of the safety procedures being taken at the airport is something that up till now only Apple’s very own Apple maps hold.