You know Huawei’s Harmony OS forked Version of Android 10?

You know Huawei’s Harmony OS forked Version of Android 10?

The Chinese company Huawei was banned from having any direct contacts with any company in the United States, and since it was taken the right of having Google Android as its main smartphone software, the company decided to make their own Operating System Software which would compete with the Android and iOS in the local market. The new OS system is called “Harmony OS” and was expected to release in the end of 2020. The Operating System claims to be different from the competing operating systems in the market but things do not look according to the statement they have released.

The publication, ArtsTechnica after gaining access to the operating system, which mind you took two days of background check and a picture of their passport and credit card released a report after doing a thorough study and break down of the new OS system, said that apart from a minor few changes here and there it is just like an Android 10 version. Which basically means that the new software Harmony OS is just a fork version of Android. The report also stated that the operating system does not have its own emulator for Huawei's HarmonyOS and requires developers to run a 'remote emulator' and not an emulator that runs locally on their device.

The company said that after a rather long and painful procedure to get access to the software and then running the remote emulator the version of operating system is almost the same as Android 10 version. To stand their case, ArtsTechnica said the first proof of forked version can be seen when the operating system starts and Harmony OS comes with the inkling similar to the Android 10.

However, we think that the report is a little hard on Huawei. The company lost the access of software that it has been running on for so long and even though the already released phones and the phones whose contracts were signed still have access to the Android software, it must have been a shock and potential damage for the company for releasing new phones.

The fact that it is a forked version of Android is not a surprise, considering the fact that running on the foot prints of Android will help the company in creating an operating system quickly and this will also help it on running on phones already embedded with Android versions.

However, the operating system is still not out for the public and it is possible that there will be few changes in the software before it is officially released. We do believe that Huawei being a huge company with such advanced means can actually form a software competing with Apple and Android, however it will take a few more years to do that. 
