Did you know Google Photos Video Editor Similar to iOS to Arrive On Android Phones Now
Google is one big tech company and it has introduced some brilliant products which has a massive audience all over the globe. This large amount of users makes the tech giant work hard towards improving their applications and bring about positive changes in them so that they can attract more users as well as keep the old ones happy and intact.
One such news about a change in Google’s Photo Application surfaced quite recently. Google Android Photo App will be going under change and will be introduced with improved video editing tools that were previously exclusive to iOS. The report was spotted by Android Police which reports that this feature will be launching for both the Google pixel users as well as the Android users. The tools will be updated a long a server side update on your Android and Pixel phones but in case it does not happen you can always update to the latest version of Google Photos if they’re not yet live in your app.
Google in its announcement in February enlightened the public that this new video editing tools will consist of 30 controls ranging from cropping, filters, and color grading options like adjusting contrast, saturation, and brightness.
Apart from this, Google is also brining about some different but new big changes. In the same announcement in February the company said that it would be bringing some machine-learning powered editing tools previously exclusive to Pixel devices to other Android phones, but those will be accessible only for Google One subscribers. The company has also let the public know beforehand that as of June 2021, they will be finishing their service for unlimited free photo storage and any storage above 15GB will have to be bought. It also said that the iOS video editing tools would be coming to Android, in February Google also said Android’s new photo editing tools would be making their way to iOS.
The application as getting more in demand is increasing its resources as well as changing the way it has always worked and shifting to different working patterns now but as of now everything has been verbally claimed and nothing seemed to have updated on the application as of yet.
However, the company has provided us with the utmost best it has to offer and has always lived up to our expectations. We cannot wait to see what else it has in store for us in the near future.