You know WhatsApp Is Now Sending Out New Policy Notifications That Need to Be Accepted till May 15th

You know WhatsApp Is Now Sending Out New Policy Notifications That Need to Be Accepted till May 15th

WhatsApp earlier this year when released its new terms and conditions lost a lot of users as the public thought that the new policies were an invasion to their privacy. The terms read that the user data will be shared with WhatsApp parent application Facebook and people were not so happy about it.

As a result, a lot of people fled the WhatsApp nest and moved onto another socialization platform called “Signal” and due to this revenue and downloads of Signal increased drastically.

However, WhatsApp has now made it clear to its users that their privacy will not be affected as the said application cannot read their messages considering how they are end to end encrypted and therefore yet again this time WhatsApp is sending out a notification with the new terms and conditions.

WhatsApp announced its new and updated terms and conditions late last year and users have a deadline of accepting it till May 15th 2021. Considering how close the deadline has gotten now, WhatsApp is now sending its users full screen pop ups explaining if users accept these terms and conditions what will change on the applications and along with it also explains why users should not be double minded about accepting the new policies.

WhatsApp realized that the previous terms and conditions made users a little unsure about their privacy maintenance on the application and WhatsApp is trying to make it users understand that this not the case as the new changes will not allow WhatsApp to read the users messages keeping the end to end encryption in mind but the only changes that will be brought about is that the Facebook owned firm is now making it easier for users to chat with businesses, ask questions and receive quick answers and the new changes will now allow Facebook to access your data from your personal chats and will only impact conversations with business accounts.

The company further said that they are also working towards introducing new and unique ways to chat or shop with a business on WhatsApp and that the company has big plans for the future.

Along with this the company again enlightened that user privacy will be maintained, the chats cannot be read and that the company will be displaying a banner in WhatsApp in the coming week which will contain more information about the policies and users can read it and assure themselves about it.

Once they are sure about their privacy maintenance they can accept these conditions. It's important to now that the new policies should be accepted before May 15th because after that users who do not accept the terms and conditions will be deprived from receiving and sending messages on one of the most popular chat applications.

Photo: Hari Om Vashishtha / LinkedIn
Sources: 1 / 2.
