Did you know WhatsApp is changing the way images and videos are displayed in the message threads, presenting more of the content in-line, as opposed to cropping them down to fit
WhatsApp is one of the most used messaging apps in the whole world and it has over 2 billion users from around the globe. To retain more users on this app, WhatsApp launches different updates to ease its users like introduced the payment method, and users can mute the video before putting it on status, etc. Now WhatsApp is launching a new update in which photos and videos on this app will be displayed bigger as the company has tweeted that Photos and videos on WhatsApp are now bigger, so no one will be left out of the picture and that will be the perfect reason for the users to smile.
It’s not ground-breaking, but it is still a cool update that can make it easier for the users to display the image in a message thread, and it can also help in facilitating the new options for business users as many people are doing business online on this app so it will be easy for them to display their product in message threads. Many users are saying that this is small but somehow it is a useful tweak from WhatsApp, the videos and photos will be displaying the extra of the picture in-line, against cropping them down to suitable. WhatsApp has also shown a picture for the users that the new image displaying process will show certainly a bigger visual to better signify the complete context in scope.
This new update and changes of image size are slightly familiar with the current test at Twitter, which furthermore shows the bigger photographs in-line exclusively on consumer timelines. This update can ensure that users are seeing the exact way you want to show them in the images of videos as contrasting to the cropped version, which could get more users to stop mid-scroll and check out your note. WhatsApp cares for its users and it knows that images show the important memories of their life and by reducing the considerations around how content is presented, it makes very relaxed to concentration on maximizing your messaging and sharing the digital content that creates the best responses, contrary to that just focusing on the exact right picture sizes and trying to congesting the image as you want to be seen. WhatsApp will introduce this update from today in its latest version of this app.