Did you know We Might See a New Version of Windows Released Soon According to Microsoft CEO

Did you know We Might See a New Version of Windows Released Soon According to Microsoft CEO

Given Microsoft’s expansion into a wide range of other properties including their successful and profitable acquisition of LinkedIn, many started to speculate that the tech company would start to focus on other endeavors whilst leaving their most famous and widely used product, the Windows operating system, to slowly burn out. Satya Nadella, CEO of the company, has refuted such claims by stating that his company plans to focus on Windows and its provision of operating systems to PC users even more than ever before.

It turns out that Nadella has been using a vastly improved and updated version of Windows for quite some time now, and has hinted that this version of the operating system might be released to the public rather soon. This announcement was a part of Nadella’s approximately 16 minute long speech at the online Build developers conference. While there weren’t a lot of details divulged about what users can actually end up expecting when they receive this updated version of Windows, there was a suggestion that Microsoft will be trying its best to launch this new version by the second half of 2021.

Nadella did mention a lot of critique regarding his company’s major competitor Apple, particularly regarding the level of control that Apple currently possesses over its devices which is a claim that Epic Games tends to agree with seeing as this company is currently involved in litigation against Apple and is on the receiving end of this as well.

Most Windows users would agree that it is high time that some kind of change was seen. An updated version of Windows is long overdue, and the fact that it is coming in approximately three to six months if suggested timelines are to be trusted means that the average Windows user might see a huge upgrade with regards to how they interact with the digital world.
