Did you know Seven Technologies That Can Improve Business Processes

Did you know Seven Technologies That Can Improve Business Processes

Technology is growing at an exponential rate. With it comes the potential for many businesses to improve their processes. Your business can also utilize the power of technology to make many improvements, helping your workers to become more efficient and to save your hard-earned cash in the process. Whether you are a CEO, HR manager, or office manager, this guide has been created to recommend seven technologies that could truly be a boon to your business. Read on now in order to learn all about it.

Smart Meters

Whether you are aware of it or not, it's likely that some of your most expensive outgoings are going on utilities such as water, gas, electricity, and Wi-Fi. For many of these, you can use smart meters, which are able to monitor the amount of the utility being used and recommend best practices in order to reduce them. If you do believe that you are spending too much on utilities, you can negotiate to bring them down. In order to learn more, simply check out the service available at Utility Bidder.

Video Technology

Whether you have a lot of employees working remotely due to the coronavirus or simply have a globalized workforce, or you are dealing with clients from across the globe, you can now replicate the feel of an office with the power of video technology. Their popularity has grown significantly in the past year, not only in the business world but simply from people communicating together while being physically stranded from one another. Make sure to get a good package deal from a video technology provider in order to have unlimited meeting times for as many people as you need per meeting.

Project Management Software

If you are working on a project with a lot of moving processes, it definitely makes sense to install project management software that can help you keep to grips with who is working on what and when. The great part of these project management providers is that they don't necessarily have to be downloaded onto your computer as an app. Instead, they can be used directly in your web browser, saving you lots of storage space in the process.

Anti-Virus Software

No matter how big or small your business is, you can be prone to the nefarious attacks of hackers, like the Microsoft attack. That's why it is so important to follow security processes and to make sure that you have downloaded anti-virus software that can help to prevent these types of attacks from happening. These can be combined with a firewall system which means that if hackers do get into one or two areas of your system, this segmentation can mean that they will only be able to access that one part as opposed to the entire network.

The Internet of Things

IoT can be useful for a whole series of reasons, helping to create a holistic platform that combines the objects in your office with the rest of your computer systems. This can be anything from smart lights, which can be turned off despite not being in the office itself, to wearable tech that can monitor the health of your employees, to biometric security scanners, smart factory equipment and super-speed internet. It's worth bringing in a dedicated consultant who can easily help you to implement the Internet of Things within your company.

Cloud Technology

Cloud storage and cloud computing is a very smart technology to adopt if you believe that the servers installed in your office simply do not have the capacity for large processes. Whether it's for your computing power, graphics power, or processing power, you can use off-shore servers to ensure that none of your systems are overwhelmed. While there are a fair amount of upfront costs to consider, it can end up saving you a lot of money in the long run. Additionally, they can operate according to a pay-as-you-go model, meaning that you only have to pay for when you need it. Cloud storage, in particular, is a very good technology to install as a complement to anti-virus software, as if anything is somehow removed, you can quickly back it up.

3D Printing

3D printing has simply transformed many business processes in recent years. Whereas in the old days, people had to order certain objects in order to keep processes running, they can be printed on-site in a matter of hours or even minutes. The exciting news is that while the first iterations of the 3D printer were rather expensive, they are now getting cheaper than ever. While architecture and manufacturing are the most obvious use cases for 3D printers, there are actually a whole variety of businesses that can install 3D printers to make their business the best possible version of itself. 

Photo: Tirachard Kumtanom / shutterstock
