Did you know New Data shows for the month of April, Google Chrome is the only web browser that hasn’t observed a major drop in its market share

Did you know New Data shows for the month of April, Google Chrome is the only web browser that hasn’t observed a major drop in its market share

Mozilla Firefox used be our go-to web browser for a really long time. It was released in September of 2002 and people who used the internet went to this web browser for their daily surfing. Google released its own web browser called the Google Chrome in 2008, and since then there has been no looking back for this browser as the success it was able to achieve in a really short amount of time is something which hasn’t yet been observed from any other browser. Microsoft released its web browser called Microsoft Edge in 2015 for Windows 10, in 2017 for Android and IOS devices and for macOS in 2019. Then finally it was released as a preview for Linux in October of 2020.

If there is any browser that was able to compete up to Google Chrome, then it has to be Microsoft Edge. Mozilla Firefox lost its thunder soon as Google Chrome started to rise, even though Firefox was used by many users worldwide, the web browser wasn’t able to come to Google Chromes level. Microsoft Edge too started off with a bang giving a tough competition to Google Chrome, but according to recent reports, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox are losing their market share, and Google Chrome is apparently having a major increase in its market shares. Google Chrome has never for once taken a break, the browser has always come up with new and innovative features that attracts majority of the users online. Hence the ever increasing results always.

StatCounter published the market share data for the month of April of this year. According to the data it can be seen that Google Chrome is a browser that hasn’t dropped a single percent in its market share, the web browser had around 67.55 percent of desktop browser market share, an increase from 67.14 percent which the browser observed in March 2021. Edge saw decrease with 8.03 percent in March, the market share dropped to 7.96 percent in April, and Firefox went from 7.95 percent in March to 7.78 percent. Safari which is the web browser made specifically for macOS, dropped from 10.11 percent in March to 9.85 percent in April.

Safari remains the second most used browser followed by Microsoft Edge as the third most used browser. The data shows how much Google Chrome represents the market share and this speaks high volumes as to the user experience which Google Chrome is able to bring for its users.
