Did you know Finally, Google Docs has rolled out a feature that will let users use the photo in front or back of the text just like they do in Microsoft Word

Did you know Finally, Google Docs has rolled out a feature that will let users use the photo in front or back of the text just like they do in Microsoft Word

Google Docs provides the best place to its users for editing their documents and it has become the priority of the people to use Google Docs over one of the most famous software “Microsoft Word”. One of the main reasons is that Google Docs is online and a person can have the access to it, can make or create the document, and a person can easily allow another person to collaborate in the document and can also give feedback, and can conveniently send it to other for free of cost from anywhere, that can give a key benefit to the Docs, while on the other hand, MS Word needs to be installed in the device. You can also experience some other Android apps for editing your documents but you may find problems while doing some editing.

Many people including expert writers, researchers, and especially those studying in the University, find Google Docs easy to work on because of its interface, Google has always tried its best to provide the best features to its users, but still, there were features which need to be launched. Recently, Google Docs has rolled out a feature will let its users use photo ahead or back of the written text. This feature was available on MS Word for such a long time and now it is the time for Docs to introduce the similar one.

This latest launch will not only benefit user but will also provide the opportunity for Docs in becoming a complete word processor. People will still find the same formatting feature on Google Docs when they are transferring their MS Word file into Docs because they do not have to worry about dropping the format and you can also do the same while shifting the document file to Microsoft Word. Google has stated that people will feel more comfortable using Google Docs and they can easily share their documents with others without changing any format.

Users of Google Docs will be happy to hear that they will not have to take any permission from the administrator to use this feature and it will be available for all users whether they are using it for free or making payments. For those who don’t know how to position the image ahead or back of the text, they need to click the image and then tap on the sidebar feature and they need to locate the latest option for placing an image in front or behind. Google has also announced that every user will be allowed to use this latest feature but it will be launched gradually.
