Did you know Facebook Climbs Another Step on The Success Ladder as Workplace Achieves 7 Million Paid Subscribers
The past year makes it looks like the cards are playing in Facebook’s favor as the company is striving towards more and more success each day. Along with the growing success in the rest of its features, it now has come to the news that Facebook’s enterprise communications software called “Workplace” has reached 7 million paid subscribers as announced by the company this Tuesday.
The figure summarizes the fact that the company has managed to up their game by 40 percent in this department as last year in May the paid subscribers number was in 5 million, last year in May.
Workplace is a service which was launched by Facebook in 2016. The service is basically an enterprise software that companies can use as their internal social network to communicate with their employees. This service was initially launched by Facebook for only its employees but later the company realized how useful it is opened its services to other companies such as Spotify and Starbucks among its clients.
Though, Facebook increased paid subscribers on its Workplace service but it still lags behind Microsoft which is in the lead as its Teams product now has more than 145 million daily active users, up more than 93% from 75 million in April 2020 followed behind by Slack which though no longer breaks out user figures but the last time it recorded its statistics its number of paying customers increased nearly 42% from 110,000 in March 2020 to 156,000 in March 2021. Along with this, the company had also announced having 12 million daily active users in September 2019. From this data we can conclude that it surely is in the lead from Workplace, with Microsoft still at number one.
Considering how the subscription rate has increased for Workplace it is expected that its revenue has also increased but Facebook does not release its revenue data for Workplace. The company however keeps the service counted alongside its Oculus and Portal hardware devices under the “Other” business label in its financial results and during the first quarter in 2021, Facebook generated a revenue of 2.8 percent from its “Others” category.
Furthermore, the Workplace Vice President Julien Codorniou said in an interview that the company plans on making and democratizing business IT software to Facebook’s billions of users. The idea is to do this by building services that use the same features people are already familiar with from Facebook’s consumer apps.
In simpler words the company wants to make IT easier for everyone through their services so that no matter what age group or generation you are from you can quickly grasp the concepts of it.
Apart from all this, Facebook is planning on introducing several other new features for Workplace such as a live Q&A experience, an integration with Microsoft 365 and Google’s G Suite calendar apps, and a number of new diversity features, including different skin tones for emoji and a feature that allows users to show their colleagues the correct way to pronounce their name.
With the massive success the company has achieved we for sure know they will give their best in these features as well and therefore we cannot wait to see what greatness the company will launch for us.