You know Tencent and Chinese Law Enforcement Authorities put an end to the world’s biggest video game-cheat operations
Tencent Company has made many popular games like PUBG, Call of Duty, etc. but now a day, cheating in online games has become extensive because of a group who were involved in the creation and selling of cheats to players to gain an unfair advantage in the games. Cheating in games ruins the entertainment level of the game as many players reported these cheating cases to the company. This gang was making cheats and trying to destroy the prestige of the company as these cheatings ruin the fair gameplay, especially in the tournament. After a period of twelve months after this cheating ring was reported, the Chinese police planned an operation to bust this gang in a partnership with Tencent Company. This is supposed to be the biggest takedown of a cheat maker in the history of video games.
Offering cheats in video games has become profitable in the past few years and these gangs sell these cheats at a high cost. Many players across various games like PUBG, CODM were able to purchase temporary cheats via this now-defunct service. After getting the complete information about this gang, the Chinese police also known as Kunshan police raided many place and they found certain evidence and shut down almost 17 websites, and they found the resellers of these cheats and they also arrested them to take the complete details about the creators.
The anti-cheat police department of China tweeted that they have shut down the biggest cheat-provider network while working with Tencent Company and seized their assets which worth almost $46 million and many luxurious cars were included in it. The creators of these cheats have purchased some luxurious cars worth more than $20 million. Moreover, the cheat makers used their earnings to hold digital currency and property to boot. This gang has earned almost $76 million by selling these cheats to many players as cheating service was mostly utilized in China but this gang has also sold hacks to all over the world. These hacks were also destroying the careers of fair players who were streaming these games on YouTube and they were trying to win a tournament and pursuing these games as their career. The primary focus of this gang is to sell mobile hacks with heavy prominence on hacks of third-person shooters. However, cheats for Overwatch and Valorant were also available. This gang was used to take subscription costs from the players to utilize these hacks for a specific period of time. The subscription cost was roughly $10 for one-day access, $50 for a week, and $200 for month access.
The police said that there were three reasons involved to bust this gang is a huge sum of money involved in selling these hacks, there were a lot of games involved, and Games from places outside China was also involved, and there were also a lot of users involved in buying these hacks.