Did you know Snapchat to Develop New AR Enabled Glasses in The Near Future

Did you know Snapchat to Develop New AR Enabled Glasses in The Near Future

The tech giants are so ahead in the game of technology that they are introducing new and new things every year. Snapchat is one of the most used social media applications which is used by millions throughout the world and the company is therefore looking at things with a different perspective and planning to introduce it AR glasses really soon.

Snapchat previously had introduced its Spectacles smart glasses in the past for the use of the public but now the company is taking greater steps and planning on improving and advancing that technology with the introduction of the fully Augmented Reality enabled glasses which will be a major step for the company.

According to The Information, Snapchat is currently working on developing a more advanced version of Spectacles, which will include in-lens AR displays.

However, it is a slight different in terms of sales than its ancestor Spectacles because Spectacles were available for a larger group of audience including the consumer group while this new AR technology will be aimed at the developers and creators. The company believes that these two groups are the driving force behind wildly popular AR effects on the Snapchat app for mobile phones, known as lenses. The company hopes these developers will come up with a greater software experience which will work on the new to be introduced technology and can attract a wider group of consumers in the future.

Snapchat has experienced a series of delays for the introduction of this new technology ad considering its past AR tools and camera-enabled glasses this news comes off as a surprise, but if you think that this is an official news related to the AR you might want to think again.

The company up until now has not spoken on any such matters related to introducing the new augmented reality feature enabled glasses and whatever news has been obtained is by some insider sources but that is the best authentic news we can gather related to this and we are still waiting on the company to provide an official statement or news.

Facebook and Apple both also have shown their interests in developing AR devices in the near future because they believe it will be the next big thing with Facebook actually introducing its first iteration of smart glasses which will be available to the public in 2021, though they won't be fully AR-enabled as yet, starting with camera-equipped smart glasses and building from there.

The future looks promising for the world of technology with tech giants really working on creating and developing outstanding devices, we cannot wait to see what great things we will be expecting in the near times.
