Did you know LinkedIn Adds New Job Titles & Plans On Helping Users Justify Unemployment Gaps On Resumes
A new update at LinkedIn has added a slew of new job titles and terms addressing employment gaps within the online resumes of its userbase.
Needless to say that the COVID-19 pandemic, or 2020 as a whole, was not an easy year for anyone. Wide spreads of joblessness were observed by many people across the world, owing to lockdown and quarantine felling entire businesses in one fell swoop. However, a semblance of normalcy is quietly creeping it's way back into the general public. And as people gear up to re-apply for jobs and get themselves back out onto the market, there are CVs and resumes that need rebuilding. LinkedIn's going to have a userbase with its hands full in the coming months.
However, an unexplained unemployment gap never looks good to potential employers. That's the exact deficiency in a CV that LinkedIn's plans on catering to. With a set of new tags and titles, users can easily justify their gaps with reasonable explanation. Examples of these new tags include sabbatical, parental or maternity leave, family care, and the list goes on. With such examples, reasons for unemployment can't simply be left up to the imagination of the employer, and won't be as jarring as being suddenly queried after during an interview process.
However, even with the pandemic affecting employment rates, it wouldn't be fair to say that the general populace has been on an extended vacation. Far from it, actually. Many people have had their schedules chock-full of the myriad of tasks and tribulations home life can bring along. In accordance, LinkedIn has also added new job titles such as stay-at-home parent (or more specifically mom/dad). These titles don't require users to add employer details, making them all the easier to utilize.
While these new job titles have already been incorporated to the LinkedIn interface, a timeline for the unemployment gap tags has not been established. However, considering how thoroughly the features have been delved into by the platform's developers, it should be well on it's way to being incorporated.
On a final note, LinkedIn's Chief Engineer Bef Ayenew explained that women's jobs were disproportionately affected over the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in an estimated 2.5 million jobs lost in the US alone. However, on the brighter side, despite the social stigma surrounding unemployment 79% of current employers have displayed no preference or bias in regards to recruiting individuals with such gaps.