Did you know Here’s How Positive and Negative Language Impacts Conversion Rates for Digital Marketers

Did you know Here’s How Positive and Negative Language Impacts Conversion Rates for Digital Marketers

Digital marketing has been a real game changer with regards to how products get advertised because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing brands to reach a much wider audience and incorporate their branding into pieces of media that might not have existed on any other mediums apart from digital. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that digital marketing is still not quite as well established and old as other forms of marketing, and even though it has been implemented for decades by this point we keep learning new things about it as the digital landscape keeps shifting year after year.

The past year has been pretty much unprecedented in a wide variety of ways, but perhaps the most significant unexpected element has involved its impact on digital marketing. It has revealed the impact that a lot of things can have on any kind of digital marketing, but mostly it has shed some light on how negative and positive language used in posts can impact conversion rates.

A conversion is basically when someone sees an ad, thereby creating an impression, and is somehow enticed into clicking on the ad. Converting impressions into clicks is a key part of making sure that a marketing campaign ends up being as successful as it needs to be, and the way that language effects it is that the use of negative language, often referred to as “negging”, actually brings conversion rates down by a surprisingly large margin.

According to research conducted by Unbounce in its latest report on conversion benchmarks, 13 out of the 16 industries that they analyzed saw a surge in traffic which makes sense since so many people had been on lockdown for such a long period of time. The thing to note here is that while traffic increased, conversion rates decreased due to an increase in negative language. For example, a gym that used tough love terminology in its marketing ended up seeing poorer conversion rates than a gym that used more positive and encouraging language.

This rang true for education based marketing as well. People need to feel good in order to want to try a product out. This is something that was considered obvious in more traditional forms of marketing, and it is interesting to see that it still holds true in the brave new world of digital marketing as well. Many digital marketers will want to keep this in mind since the main purpose of their job is to increase engagements as well as conversions since one is not worth much without the other.
