Did you know Google Is Testing An Update To Its Search Results Webpage

Did you know Google Is Testing An Update To Its Search Results Webpage

Google is looking to update their Search interface, improving visibility and adding for easier webpage adjustment, regardless of desktop screen size.

So, what’s the big update? Well, it’s almost mundane in nature. Much like shifting furniture one is unhappy with, Google’s decided to take their Search results webpage and shift it to the left. The typical layout for a results webpage (moving from left to right) includes the Google logo in the upper left hand corner (with its associated Doodle for the day), followed by the search bar and results, ending on either a user’s Google account profile photo or the Sign In option. Now, what necessitated such a change? Well, relying on the afore-mentioned homemaking metaphor, some furniture was not as visible as Google would have liked it to be.

Alright, let us cease with the unnecessary metaphors and move on to the actual reasons and ramifications they may pose, if such a grandiose term must be used. In simpler terms, the vanilla layout of Search results does not properly translate to each and every desktop screen, resulting in obstruction of certain features. Particularly, the Sign In option and one’s Google account avatar are inaccessible on desktops that don’t meet a certain width requirement, and while they can be accessed by simply scrolling left to right, the process is mildly cumbersome. Therefore, Google’s deciding to revamp its layout in order to make the webpage more accessible across all screens.

As per 9to5Google, the new webpage isn’t available to all users, however. Owing to Google’s usual standards for releasing new updates, tweaks, or revamps, the feature is currently under A/B testing. Under this particular setup, two versions of a webpage or application are set up and distributed amongst users in a particular region, as a means of testing out the new feature, gauging user reaction to it, while also avoiding mass turbulence by releasing a faulty patch to the general populace.

Ultimately, this feature won’t serve too impactful a blow or update to a user’s regular browsing experience. It’s simply window dressing with a slight bit of functionality sprinkled in. Which makes sense, really. When you’re one of the best, if not the definitive, search engines out in the world, all that’s usually left to do is either keep tweaking or fiddling with what’s already there. Until the next trend-breaking fad shakes up the search engine world. 
