Did you know Feedburner is getting an updated infrastructure at the loss of email subscription service by Google
This week, Google has announced that it will be renovating the famous Feedburner, but after this update, the email subscription service will no longer be available to the users.
Feedburner was introduced in 2004 by Dick Costolo (a former CEO of Twitter) and was later obtained by Google in 2007. It is a web feed management service that assists the bloggers, podcasters as well as web based content uploaders through its management tools. And can even manage the RSS feed, abbreviation for Real Simple Syndication Feed ,that contains a record for all the content being published by that particular website. According to Google, Feedburner will become more stable and modern infrastructure by the end of July, however the non core feed management and the email subscription feature will no longer be available.
Its been 14 years since Feedburner was introduced but with time the RSS gradually became unimportant but still instead of shutting it down permanently, Google kept it moving forward. And now it has finally decided to bring several changes so the permanent shut down could be prevented and the new upcoming chapter is supported.
These changes are only meant to support the next chapter of Feedburner, that will contain a new UI that will be replacing the old one which is currently running but product will still be available for the users. According to Google many users believe that the product is running fine and needs no action. To clear it up, Google further added that the new update will not be affecting the pre-existing feeds and the user can continue to burn feeds. This also includes the authority to change the source feed, URL, title and even the podcast metadata if the respective feed including the ability to enclose the tags for MP3 files.
While giving an explanation for the exact changes that are about to be brought in, Google explained that they will be turning down one of the most non core management feature that allows the user to optimize their feed and publicize it including password protector, email subscription and Browser friendly. These changes will be making their way in July but the data on email will still be kept available so it could be downloaded later. Google expressed its views on this new update. They said that its happy that such changes will keep the Feedburner running and will be available but at the same time, such changes brings in extra work that needs to find an alternative solution.