You know Twitter Is Testing Ways To Bring Facebook-Like Emoji Reactions And Reddit-Inspired Voting System
According to a recent Twitter's feedback survey, the micro-blogging platform is looking for new ways to help the users communicate through various options. The experiment is in the early stages right now, but one thing is sure that just like Facebook react button, Twitter may also insert extra emojis along with the current heart (like) button.
Keeping in mind the backlash by the Twitteratis followed by the replacement of stars with hearts, this change can impact the users immensely and also hurt the feelings of many Twitter users. Considering this scenario, Twitter has been doing surveys all around the globe to get an idea of how the Twitterati will react to this drastic change.
According to the survey, there is more than one set of emojis that are under consideration including laughing face with tears, heart, sad face, and thinking face, alongside others. Which can be fire emoji or shocked face or hug, all of which express different emotions.
Also, thumbs up or thumbs down for like and dislike, red down or green up arrow for the voting, that often takes place on Reddit, as well as green or red color to approve or disapprove is being surveyed.
Inside the survey, the users are asked if they will, in reply to a tweet, use the reaction or the down voting option. And what will be their stance if their own tweet got down voted or negative response emojis, will they take it as a constructive criticism, or will be demoralized by it?
Furthermore, Instagram is also coming with sticker reactions for their stories which include happy, sad, love, and funny and others containing the teary-eyed, clap, fire, celebration, laughing, surprised, heart eyes, and several more. We don’t know when it is coming out but right now it is in testing phase.
Many other apps like Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Pandora, and Imgur amongst others have the “like” option for a long time now. And the use of other emojis came in 2015 on Facebook and afterward LinkedIn. One thing Twitter is concerned about is whether to display the negative emojis beside the post or hide them from the public. Stay tuned for more updates.