You know Study: Nearly 2 Out of 3 Web Pages have ZERO Backlinks, While 9 Out Of 10 Web Pages Get No Organic Search Visitors From Google
A few months ago, Ahrefs rolled out a report revolving around the presence of backlinks on web pages. Perhaps the most interesting finding of the said study was that out of almost two million pages, over 94% didn’t manage to get even one visitor from Google. However, this wasn’t the only finding. In fact, numerous other jaw-dropping revelations were made in the report in question.
For starters, it was found out that about 66.31% of web pages were unable to garner even a single link meaning that they have zero backlinks. Yes, that’s right, not even one! Similarly, about 26.29% of web pages have between one and three referring domains. Additionally, only 2.19% have links from more than 10 websites.
For this study, nearly 1 billion pages in Ahref’s Content Explorer were taken into consideration. What’s even concerning is the fact that many of the pages having backlinks could be using some strange link programs to build shady links. If there was a way to separate such links from the authentic ones, the findings could have been even more shocking.
For those of you unaware, a backlink refers to a link from a particular site to another. These links are vital to improving the SEO ranking of a website. How is that so? Well, most of the time, popular search engines such as Google assess the noteworthiness or authority of a website’s content based on how many sites link to it along with other signals.
Source: Ahrefs.