You know According to a Global Survey, the attitude of most of the consumers is to fix the broken technology rather than replacing it with a new one
As technology is changing very fast and it is becoming more complex. Especially if we talk about electronics, manufacturers are now making it in such a way that it is becoming very difficult to repair it, they want you to buy a new one with the improvements that are coming in the latest technology so you need to go with the new one rather than stick on the old one. As the growing number of people are seeing this as an unreasonable state of affairs so they are fighting back in the form of a movement called "right to repair" because of the reason they get used to the previous technology and they will have to spend more time to understand the latest technology and people have to spend extra money to buy a new one rather than repairing it. This debate continues in North America and Europe, according to the new data, fixing the technology rather than replacing it differs among geographic regions.
Compared to the other 16 markets, India is at the top of the list in which most people are likely to fix their broken device rather than replacing it, the reason could be they can’t afford to buy a new one so they prefer to repair the old device. Almost 71% of Indian consumers think that they would prefer to fix the old one rather buying new technology, however, 19% of Indians people disagree and they want to buy a new one when having trouble with the old one. UAE and Poland come after with 65% of people think the same to repair the device. However, 12% to 17% disagree with this kind of thinking.
Sweden, the US, Denmark, and Hong Kong are the markets that come at last in the list of ‘’fight to repair’’ their technology with a percentage of 45%, 44%, and 39%. However, 23% to 26% of people don’t agree to this situation rather they would get the new one instead of wasting their money on the broken one. Sweden and Denmark are the two countries with the highest percentage of those people that prefer to buy the new one with the percentage of 26%, either they want to spend their money buying the latest technology that is changing every year or they find it less expansive to sell the old one and add some money on it to get the new one rather wasting the money on the broken device.
If we talk about it globally, almost 54% of people want to fix the broken technology rather than replacing it and they might be right up to some extent because if we take an example of a mobile phone, people get used to the device they use, they know the battery time, it gets to adjust to their hand and most importantly, they have their data in it and they fear of losing it if they get the new one so they prefer to spend some money on its repair rather than replacing it. Consumers between 25 to 34 years old are more likely to spend their money on the repair of the broken device. However, with the most percentage of 21% of people that are above 55 years of age prefer to get the new one rather than repairing it.
H/T: YG.