Did you know iPhone users aren't concerned about 5G; what they want is a longer battery life

Did you know iPhone users aren't concerned about 5G; what they want is a longer battery life

One of the most important update made by Apple was support for 5G in an iPhone 12th generation. This support will be expected in future generations as well. But for a fact, iPhone users are not concerned about the 5G support, all they want is a longer battery life

According to the BlinkAI survey, iPhone users suffer a lot when it comes to the battery life. The battery life of iPhones is not very promising hence, despite of any interesting update, iPhone users are interested in an improved battery functionality.

When people were inquired about the change they wish to see in the upcoming iPhone generations, majority of the users claimed to extend the battery life. Around 72 percent of iPhone users said that they want to see longer battery life as the selling point of new iPhones. Whereas, 49 percent of users demanded more storage space.

As far as 5G is concerned, people only upgrade system for improved speed. Only 32 percent people moved to a new model to test the improvised speed.

To be honest, the same is the case of Android phones. All they want is better battery life. Approximately, 75 percent of people changes models in order to get extended battery life of the phone. Just 36 percent of Android users upgrade to new model because of the 5G support.

There aren't many people who are considering an update in the next 12 months. A 34 percent of iPhone users are not likely to upgrade their phones for more than three years and 44 percent people told that they are upgrading to higher models because of the better picture quality they wanted in night mode in their phone. A 76 percent of people say the chip it runs on is relatively significant. Given the changing existence of consumer smartphone use, this is intriguing. The survey indicates that the GPU is also built into the chip so the gaming experience will be enhanced with the fast processor.

Surprisingly, the need to upgrade to a mobile device built on higher-quality images and videos had seen greatest gender divide in perceptions. Compared to only 35 percent of men, 47 percent of women stated the potential to capture higher-quality videos and images would be a valid justification to switch from their existing smartphone. Just 11 percent of iPhone users said they would like to update to a new model within the next year.
