Did you know Twitter previews potential new business account options after asking for suggestions from the users
Twitter outlined last month about its plans in the near future about the business profile accounts which will include more features if it is introduced for the users. So that such business/brand accounts will show more details about their business to attract more customers and that will make more credibility of business profiles on customers. New dedicated features and more options have been included in the preview to the users how will it look like. Twitter in this regard took the suggestions from its users to get creative ideas from the users by giving them few samples of business profiles and ask them to give their suggestions on which one needs improvement and which one is perfect.
Matt Navarra has posted some screenshots showing how the new business profile will look like where more features are shown including verification badge, business category, new business badge type, and more business information like the place where the business is conducted and the operations of the business. Twitter is also testing various profile badges for some time and showed some discrepancies in the Analyst day presentation. Twitter is trying its best to verify which profile is real and which one is bot by working on a new automated badge. This will build up the trust of the customers and will reduce the bot activity on this platform as when customers see something wrong or see a fraudulent profile it blames the platform not just the business, so therefore, it is the duty of the platform to put a check and balance on the business profiles. So this will make the users understand even better who are they working with and what the nature of the business is whether it is running by the bot or not.
Twitter tried to ask the limited customers to give their suggestion about which option could help more users to have insight into the business profiles with a range of variety of options for potential display including content showcase, App store link, and image gallery, and most importantly the reviews of the customers. Twitter has not finalized anything yet but it is trying to implement various business tools to assist brands in their efforts on the platform. The launch date has also not been confirmed yet but after asking suggestions from the users can say that we will see new business profiles soon which will include new presentation options and tools so that customers can get a better insight into the business.