Did you know Google Chrome’s Tab Search Feature Gets Various Updates And Improvements

Did you know Google Chrome’s Tab Search Feature Gets Various Updates And Improvements

Google Chrome’s tab search menu recently got some improvement in the browser, especially for the people who use several tabs.

Before the update, the Google chrome tab search only had space for displaying 5 tabs, but the updated version will have all 20 tabs displayed if they are opened, as per this Reddit thread.

The new feature will also tell the exact time when you opened the tab as well as another feature in which the tab search will have the recently closed tabs. This will be brought to Google Chrome canary in a while.

If you want to experience the new tab search menu, first download the Google Chrome Canary browser, and then:

Open the browser.

Type chrome://flags in the search/URL bar.

In the search bar, type Tab Search. Now right next to this flag select Enable option, and then relaunch your browser.

Now you will be able to see an inverted triangle icon on the left corner of the screen, click on it and you will see all the tabs that have been opened. Also the users can instantly close tabs from this view.
