Did you know Consumers share their insights on Mobile Apps and Ads (infographic)

Did you know Consumers share their insights on Mobile Apps and Ads (infographic)

According to the research, people are spending more time on smart phones nowadays. Smart phone users are relying on apps not just to kill their time through getting entertained but also for their daily tasks. People are reacting to different apps differently.

Recently, a survey has been carried out through AdColony platform to grasp the perception of consumers on different apps. People shared key elements regarding mobile habits and usability in the poll. Almost 300 people form all around the world participated in the poll expressing their attitude towards different apps. In the poll, people were asked to rate their feelings on the scale of 5 points. Later on, that rating was then compared to the apps that users were using at the time when they got survey request. It was found out from the stats that mobile phone gamers were the most excited ones. A 73 percent of participants shared that they felt great while playing the games on mobile phones.

On the other hand, social media apps came in the second place in happiness ratings and approximately 70 percent of users expressed that they felt happiest and relieved when using social media apps. However, on the news apps, consumers reported being least satisfied. Nearly, 53 percent participants rate their happiness as good when viewing news on phone. Likewise, 56 percent of people shared their happiness level as average when consuming service apps. When it comes to the board games, users are extremely satisfied with them. On the scale of 5 points, largest proportions of consumers rated happiest feelings while playing board games, trivia, and puzzle games.

Although it's undoubtedly beneficial to cater to consumers when they're already in a good mood, it's also important not to spoil the mood with the advertisement content. In the survey, people were also asked to rate the ad format they would like to see most often. A 36 percent of consumers selected rewarded video and 27 percent of consumers rated playable video as the most appropriate ad forms. Besides that, 27 percent of consumers find interstitial display ads totally intolerable whereas 25 percent consider in-feed ads absolutely inappropriate. The least accepted ad formats were pre/midroll video, interstitial display ads, and in-feed ads.
