You know Twitter’s "Review Before You Tweet" Feature Is Back To Prevent The Use Of Harmful Language

You know Twitter’s "Review Before You Tweet" Feature Is Back To Prevent The Use Of Harmful Language

Twitter launched the beta model of the 'review before you tweet' feature on iOS last year in May 2020 which was made to help the users to take another look at and review the message before sending t to anyone. Later in August, the feature was opened for the Android users as well but the feature was paused after being in the testing mode but now it is being relaunched.

Recently in a reply to a Tweet made in august 2020 asking about the feature in experiment mode, Twitter gave out the news that their testing is back on iOS devices.

The feature consists of a Tweet, Edit as well as a Delete option. Moreover there is a "did we get this wrong" button. In case the prompt was a mistake as well as for getting users feedback.

The new algorithm will analyze the comments and any abusive or antagonistic sounding messages will be prompted to review.

Furthermore, any message that disobeys the terms and conditions set by Twitter can result in the user account being banned by Twitter as well as legal inconvenience.

According to Twitter, we often say things that we don’t mean to, in the heat of the moment sometimes. But Twitter's current experiment on iOS lets you rethink via a prompt that gives you the option to re-examine language and words that are harmful to others.

These days Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is adamant about making the site weed out any misinforming, misleading, and abusive content. They are also working on a Twitter fact check program which is in testing mode and it will allow the Twitterati to flag the tweets to report if there is any misleading and false content.

Twitter is also testing their audio messages or voice DM feature which will be launched in a beta phase in three countries at the moment which are India, Brazil, and Japan. The feature is somewhat similar to the WhatsApp voice notes.

Stay tuned for more tech updates. 
