You know Twitter Removed Its Ads Transparency Center That Helped Researchers in Providing Detailed Insights Around Political and Social Issues
The transparency reports of ads was an important and useful feature because it could tell you all the information about which ad is running from which Twitter profile at which time. So, it can give you the best information about the ad’s transparency. However, Twitter has decided to remove this center, which is a bit strange. This change was pointed out by Béné Earl. She tweeted that the transparency center is not available now and according to an updated blog post by Twitter, you can visit to get the information or you can download the previous archive of all political and issue ads before the removal of political and issue ads on Twitter.
Twitter has now elaborated the reason for the removal of the transparency center that the Ads Transparency Center does not provide the originally intended value, therefore we have decided to remove it because we have also established the review process of Ads transparency and mandatory cause-based Ad certification. Twitter has now decided to replace the Ads transparency Centre with an archived version of ATC data of all the political ads that ran from August 08, 2018, to November 22, 2019. You are now able to get all the information of ads that were shown to you, simply by clicking to Setting and privacy Tab on your account.
It means that there is an alternate way of getting the information of the ads, but still you can’t get the information of ads that were shown to you after the month of November 2019. Nobody knows the main reason why Twitter has decided to remove such a helpful center that gave you complete and accurate information about the ads. You could also get the complete information of Twitter campaigns, and how this platform is being used for serving the ads. People were able to get the information that how the brands were approaching the Twitter platform and were looking to use the Twitter campaigns. This change is ridiculous.
It is possible that Twitter may want to divert the attention of social media campaign, how it started the campaign during the elections of the US. This is also possible that Jack Dorsey decided to ban Donald Trump from his platform, due to which the American Government can put some restrictions on the company and make some points about the ad’s earnings on Twitter. Therefore, Twitter may not want to share the complete information of the Ads running from this platform. The Ads Transparency center also helped the researchers who were studying the ad’s information.
Many people may don’t care about this change because not many people were familiar with this option, but still, it can cause a problem for the researchers.