You know Data shows Google’s Chrome OS officially crossed Apple’s macOS in the desktop operating system with a market share of around 11 percent, whereas Apple’s market share is only at 7 percent

You know Data shows Google’s Chrome OS officially crossed Apple’s macOS in the desktop operating system with a market share of around 11 percent, whereas Apple’s market share is only at 7 percent

Almost all people are familiar with Microsoft Windows operating system because people are using it for a very long time, and it is still dominating the whole world as compared to its rivals in the market. In the area of desktops and laptops, Windows is the most common operating system installed in it. Approximately, 77 to 87 percent globally and, if we talk about macOS, it is around 7 percent. Whereas, people may be shocked with the Chrome OS which has officially crossed the market share of macOS with a market share of 11 percent. It means that people are migrating to Chrome OS from Windows and macOS.

You may be curious about the Chrome OS in the world of computers. Well Chrome OS is a Linux-based operating system, which is actually a Google operating system or a Google world. You can use your Google email address to sign in or use your Google account to store all of your data and obviously it will connect you to all of your services to get your work done. Many people are interested in using Chrome OS and Chromebook because of its simplicity, security, and all the services which Google provides. Its working is quite similar to Windows and macOS but it provides some extra features like progressive web apps (PWA) which is basically progressive web app are super high functioning websites which you can save them in a shortcut, or for offline functionality like Google Docs when you do not have an internet connection. Google has also introduced Chromebook when is made for you if you mostly work online. They are designed to be a portal to the net for you to use online applications. It can do your work securely and efficiently.

Apple was the long-time competitor of Microsoft Windows but now its rival could be Chrome OS, because Google has recently in the past few years increased its production and marketing surrounding their operating system and related devices. One of the reasons that why Chrome OS has beaten Apple’s macOS market share is the price which many people cannot afford macOS and Chrome OS provides all the relevant features to complete your task. People are shifting to Chrome OS but still, it can be very difficult for Chrome OS to beat Microsoft Windows because according to an estimate by Statista, Microsoft Windows still has around 80 percent of the market share in the desktop operating systems.

 H/T: Statista.
