Did you know Telegram has introduced a whole bunch of features for its users in the app’s new beta update v7.5.0

Did you know Telegram has introduced a whole bunch of features for its users in the app’s new beta update v7.5.0

Telegram is a social media app that was launched in August of 2013 but the app gained most popularity in the beginning of 2021 when Whatsapp announced its new privacy features that included the app and Facebook getting every data and media of its users that caused quite uproar everywhere in the world. The app has been coming up with updates and features for their new users and plans to provide an over the top experience for their users.

While launching new features and updates for the app with the new beta update v7.5.0, it was announced by the app that it is now rolling out an auto-delete feature for messages that will allow users to set a timer for deleting messages for all the people they sent those messages to, home screen widgets that will allow users to have an easier approach to their chats faster.

 The new update will come with two widget options, a chat Widget and a short cut Widget and expiring invite links that will help users make a link inactive after a certain amount of time. The link invites can also be converted to QR codes to scan for easy sharing purposes. All of the features are the ones that everyone looks for in an app to help them provide ease with their daily tasks. The chat Widget will pop up for recent chats and, on the short cut Widgets the users will see only the names and profile pictures of their contacts.

Whether someone agrees to it or not, we all know that the most used feature out of all these updates will be the auto-delete feature! This feature was only available for secret messages previously on the app. To enable the timer for deleting messages on Android devices, just open the contact from which you want those messages to get deleted from, tap on the three dots on the top left corner, click on the ‘Clear History’ option and then set your timer. For iOS devices however just simply press and hold on to your message, click on ‘Select’ and press the ‘Clear Chat’ option appearing on the top left corner. The users can set the duration to be from 24 hours to 7 days in any of the chats.

These features are now out in the open for both iOS and Android users using the Telegram app! These features will for sure provide a greater user experience and also better security as Telegram has also mentioned a lot of times that the app prides itself over the fact that they have always kept their users privacy their number one priority.
