Did you know Here's What Google Does to Keep You Safe on Search

Did you know Here's What Google Does to Keep You Safe on Search

Are you a computer science enthusiast willing to learn how to code in different programming languages without spending thousands of dollars? Are you about to cook your first meal and looking for some recipes? Do you have your driving test tomorrow and want to study the signs and traffic regulations? Or better yet, do you have a question that you need to be answered? It looks like you just need to “Google it”.

For several years now, Google Search has been providing people from all over the world a platform to get answers to their queries, help with learning, and whatnot. In short, the fact that Google has whatever one is looking for has made people completely dependent on it. And this is something that cybercriminals are aware of.

It’s common knowledge that Google boasts numerous algorithms to ensure that only the relevant results pertaining to a search query are displayed on top of the SERP. Moreover, it’s also a given that people do not prefer to scroll down the page and would rather prefer to find what they are looking for in the top 10 results.

This is where cybercriminals come in. They devise phishing scams and fraudulent websites and do their work on such pages to make them appear as highly-relevant results to a user’s query. So, the question is, what does Google Search do to ensure your safety?

As per Google, it has a mechanism in place that recognizes such threats and stops them from appearing among the top results. If that didn’t sound impressive enough, know that last year alone, Google protected approximately users against approximately 25 billion scam pages on a daily basis. Yes, that’s right, on a DAILY basis.

However, safeguarding users against low-quality and phishing scams isn’t the only way Google ensures the safety of its users. In fact, there’s another impressive way in which the tech giant creates a safe environment for searchers across the globe. 

Google utilizes the same technology to guarantee the privacy of your search queries as the one banks use to keep your information safe on their website. In simpler words, Google encrypts each and every one of your search terms, preventing any third parties from accessing them.

When all is said and done, Google’s goal is to present you with a completely safe platform where you can easily access top-quality information. Whether you are looking for answers to some burning questions, references to learn something new, or the latest trends, Google Search can assist you with everything.

Yes, it’s true that Google Search still has some much-needed improvements to make in the privacy and security areas. However, the fact that the tech giant is making nonstop efforts to overcome the said challenges is commendable. 
