Facebook’s Workplace Suite Gets Several Updates

Facebook’s Workplace Suite Gets Several Updates

Working from home has quickly started to become the norm because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up keeping people safe from the various coronavirus risks that are out there at this current point in time. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Facebook has provided a unique way for people to work from home with Workplace which facilitates conference calls as well as greater efficiency through increased communication and collaboration.

The next step that Facebook is taking in this regard has to do with safety features and the like. Organizations are often held responsible for the safety of their employees, and the Safety Check that Facebook incorporated into its social media platform is now being added to Workplace as well in the form of a Safety Center. This Safety Center can help organizations to coordinate communications from employees, conduct safety checks on a regular basis as well as help organizations provide employees with safety alerts and travel advice all of which can go a long way towards helping employees stay safe while this dangerous pandemic is wreaking havoc all around the world and causing thousands of deaths every single day. 

Another new feature that is being added to Workplace is that multiple people can go live at the same time. This basically means that a live stream can now have multiple presenters, thereby relieving the pressure that would have otherwise been placed on a single individual that might have been given the responsibility to handle this sort of thing in the first place. Along with improvements in analytics and the like, these updates are going to help solidify Facebook’s enterprise suite and make it a more viable option in an increasingly competitive industry.

H/T: AV.
