Facebook's New Report Sheds Light On Emerging Digital Trends That Will Shape The Future
We all know that Facebook collects our data to link us up with ads and other recommendations that the app thinks we might prefer. Since last year was spent entirely under lockdown because of the ongoing Pandemic and we were confiding to the four walls of our homes, Facebook realized that since our way of living has changed there is a very high possibility that our preferences on the web might have changed as well.
In order to find out what its user public is interacting and engaging with, Facebook hired a company called Ipsos to find the answers to their questions. Ipsos gathered data from 12,500 users residing in 14 different global markets around the world aged between 18 - 60 and found out what people are looking for in terms of brand outreach and online interaction and made a survey report which can be downloaded from different countries from around the world like Australia, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, The Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, the US, Vietnam, the UK, and India.
The survey reported 4 trends that are changing the world of brands very quickly.
The first point according to the report is that the public looks into a brand is how much convenience they provide. People prioritize that brand or company that they find beneficial for them in terms of swift buying and payment. According to the report, 90 percent users do this to simplify their lives while 86 percent use it to their convenience and save their time and use that saved time to spend with their loved ones or friends or simply go to the gym.
The second point it showed was participation paradigm which means that people have started to expect a lot from the brands and want to connect to their brands as well through the new way of social media shopping that is Live Shopping. 27 percent of people have started Live Shopping while 89 percent people are expected to experience live shopping in the near future. Not only this, 79 percent look for new and creative ways for shopping while 82 percent said that social media has helped them interact with the brands at home every day anytime while they had to make time to go to the mall only when they were free.
The third point is Digital Gathering, social media is a means for people to connect from different parts of the country and even the world. This way brand owners can publicize their brands on different groups and gather a large following. The data showed that 74 percent of are people who are brand owners and are present on social media expect their brands to grow in the future.
The last point which the data showed was Entrepreneurs Edge in which people try to overcome the challenges of their daily lives by creativity and entrepreneurship while many communities actively support local businesses.
The survey which Facebook issued means a lot to marketers because it is really helpful for them in strategize their business if they use the data to their benefits. Brands should elevate their modes of service and provide people with means that will save their time such as by providing mobile transactions with the option of COD as well. This will reduce the purchase to a single moment. Brands should experiment with their services and change themselves with the changing trends and consumer’s likes. They should keep expanding their businesses by introducing themselves in different groups and increasing their following and evolve with the changing ways of marketing.