Facebook’s New Insights Tell About Much More Than Just the Latest Shopping Trends

Facebook’s New Insights Tell About Much More Than Just the Latest Shopping Trends

Recently, Facebook has released a detailed guide as a part of their ‘Industry Perspectives’ series. The ‘future of shopping ‘report is all about shaping key trends, along with expert opinion based on the latest consumer behaviors.

The pandemic resulted in accelerating the digital trends by five to ten years as per eConsultancy. During the year 2020, the most visited and top trending e-commerce websites were Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, and Walmart to name a few.

Let us take a look at the facts of the Facebook report:

The first key factor for in-store shopping among consumers has always been price. But safety is also a factor among people who prefer in-store shopping as well as reliability and convenience. Of course, everyone prefers to shop near their home or workplace that is easy to access.

While looking at the charts given in the report, the top criteria for online shoppers is also price, whereas company reliability comes at second. Here people also expect a company return policy and expect shorter delivery time.

Even nowadays many people don’t trust online shopping and prefer in store shopping; especially the generation X.

The elements and facts that are highlighted in ‘the future of shopping’ report can be very useful for anyone looking to expand their in-store or e-commerce performance, within their marketing capability.

According to Facebook eight out of ten people who prefer online shopping say the internet makes it convenient to compare the products by price and makes it less risky for them.

One positive point that I came across was the people trying to support the local and small businesses, to uplift their communities in the time of the pandemic.

The full report incorporates a scope of master bits of knowledge to assist organizations with these patterns and extra information on purchasing moves that can help shape your strategy and approach. We hope that this year brings more to e-commerce and the industries and communities connected to it to boost the economy that has been fatally affected by the COVID’19 pandemic.

