Did you know Telegram Crosses 500 Million Users Mark After WhatsApp Announces New Terms and Conditions

Did you know Telegram Crosses 500 Million Users Mark After WhatsApp Announces New Terms and Conditions

Telegram gained 25 million users joining its platform in the last 72 hours. Impressive, right! But what circumstances led to the sudden rise in the user rate of the app?

There are a lot of different messaging applications competing in the tech world and it is known without any doubt that WhatsApp leads them all by quite a vast margin, but in the first week of January things started to look different for WhatsApp after it introduced its new policy related to the user data being shared with Facebook now. This created a havoc among the public when people realized that their privacy would be disrupted. Hence, a lot of people switched to the next best thing that is Telegram.

Telegram has always been a growing app compared to its rest of the competitors however, as a result of WhatsApp new policy feature, Telegram reaped benefits out of it and crossed 500 million users in the first week of January with 25 million out of it joining the application in the last 72 hours alone, as confirmed by Pavel Durov the founder on Telegram on his personal Telegram channel.

According to Durov the most joined new users from around the globe were with a ratio of 38% from Asia, 27% from Europe, 21% from Latin America and 8% from MENA.

Now, since the app is growing greater than ever and has reached 500 million users across the globe, the company has some future plans to make the app more beneficial for the users as well as the company itself.

Durov in one of his previous posts had hinted about monetization plans related to the app once it crosses 500 million users. According to the companies plan the app will bring premium paid features for big businesses and power users, but will keep the rest of the telegram features free of cost for the normal public. The app plans on playing ads on large groups and channels while private chats and groups will be ad free. According to the founder, all of this will help the application to stick to its root all while introducing new features and encouraging billions of new users to join their platform which will help them innovating and growing for the years to come.

However, WhatsApp recently cleared all the misconceptions people had related to the privacy issues and ensured the public that neither Facebook nor WhatsApp will have access to any conversation from their WhatsApp account as it is an end to end encrypted. So the question stands will Telegram still gains users as fast as it did in the first week of January and will it be able to full fill all the plans it has for the future. We don’t know about it yet, but Telegram will definitely notify us on their personal page. Stay tuned till then! 

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