Did you know The Information About Electric Vehicle Charging Stops Has Just Become Better On Google Maps For Android Automotive

Did you know The Information About Electric Vehicle Charging Stops Has Just Become Better On Google Maps For Android Automotive

Currently, the Android Automotive stands compatible with two cars and while both of them, by chance, are electric, the company has planned to improve the navigation of EV charging stations in the built-in Google Maps app before they roll it out to introduce the dashboard experience in more vehicles very soon.

Keeping an eye on the charging stations is about to be an integral part of every traveling plan considering the limited range of current electric cars and how the availability of stations can help a consumer decide if they really want to take such a trip or not.

Hence, for the similar matter, you will now be able to look out for available chargers on the Maps app in which Google will note the speed and network.

On the other hand, if you are planning to go on a trip that may require two or more recharge stops, then Google will first point out the stations for you and then also showcase the charging levels along in order to “minimize the total duration of the trip.” The whole process is based on the new routing algorithms that Google has been able to make with the help of the graph theory that takes care of both the driving and charging time.

So, overall, Google has now also eyed for a solution that will work for all the vehicles which will get Automotive in times to come.

With this setup in place, the solution will also be able to show you the characteristics of each EV which includes weight, maximum battery level, plug type, etc. Besides that, through the algorithm, you would also know which edges are compatible with the EV under consideration.

Moving beyond that, Google will also let you take care of the battery consumption, by providing you the detailed road information (length, elevation, and slope) and this whole routing won’t take more than 10 seconds.

Last but not the least, through the new feature which has been showcased today, you will also know what payment methods a particular station would accept in the current 12 European countries.

You can try out the improvements right away. 
